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Life with Briar

Posted on December 11, 2005

Being with Briar is always special. In the morning it’s her appetite for life. She is genuinely excited to be awake, to kiss us, to laugh, to eat breakfast, to go downstairs and see her things. At night it’s how grateful we all are to be together, or the discovery of something new. A book she hadn’t seen before because she hadn’t been able to reach, climbing into a toy box to play or read a book, a new food at dinner. My lunches with Briar are still so magical. She is excited every day when I arrive. She literally squeals and runds to me. Sometimes we nurse, other times we just play and read. The first group of pictures were taken one morning.…

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Tis the Season for Slacking

Posted on December 9, 2005

So many times I have meant to pop online and jot down a few notes.Clearly, with my last entry having been November 29th, I have not done so. The things I wanted to share: Briar watching a Baby Einstein dvd and “mooing” at the farm animals. Briar entering a phase of extreme sharing – every food, every drink, book or toy, she extends her pudgy little hand and offer a bite, sip or glimpse of whatever she is enjoying. A new level of interaction: she understands so much of what we say, demonstrates the need to receive of give affection, really listens and tries to respond. The continuing magic of the bedtime process. She loves her stories and time rocking with mom or dad.…

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