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Pardon Me

Posted on January 28, 2007

I have allowed myself these last few days to sink into a stuffy oblivion of what seems to be my annual January bug. Runny nose that will not blow itslef into the aloe infused tissues. A tickly sneeze that will not come. And of course a throbbing head ache that will not respond to drugs. Bed. And lots of it. Soon I will be back to share with you the magic of the blinged out quasi midget raquet baller that made my night (not that way!) and the marvel of the Wesley Snipes meets Mario Van Peebles meets MC Hammer weight lifter…who knew a membership to the Y would come with such sweet rewards? Soon my friends, soon I’ll share, but for now I…

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Sniffles, Hissy Fits & Life Lessons

Posted on January 28, 2007

Gone are the days of trying to project a serene, 1950’s everything’s perfect facade. No more exclamations of smooth sailing and fluffy angel kisses. We’ve hit two and we have hit it hard. Our sweet little cherub, our downy haired first born, our wonder of wonders daughter has morphed into a curly haired bomb, a blue eyed, hair trigger tempered little spit fire. There are days when we find humor in the explosivity of her temper. How can you not snicker just a little when her own capricious whims send her into a raging nose dive of a tantrum: “Boo-nana. Briar havin’ a boo-nana.” “Ok, honey. Just a minute. Mama’s feeding Avery.” Boo-nana!” “Ok.” “BOO-NANA!“ “Ok, here you go.” She looks at the proffered…

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How I love the letter X

Posted on January 26, 2007

Briar loves the letter X. Witness her rendition of the alphabet song. I think this version has 2 or 3 x’s. Other times there are 4 or 5. The best part comes at the end (in addition to brilliance behind a camera, I am great with video chronology and making an audience watch till the end). The look* Avery gives Briar is priceless. *Watching this again, I see that the look is not as evident (refer to earlier mention of photgraphic genius). My apologies. 

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Who the frock cares?

Posted on January 26, 2007

In a bid to achieve sheer irrelevance (witty and subtle play on words, subtle only if you don’t, like I just did, point it out) , a post of what is most likely of no value to anyone but myself, I give to you, the dresses. Option A: A flirty twist on the little black dress. Option B: Different without being too out there. So there you have it folks. My greatest dilemma* currently, which frock shall I wear? *That’s a total load of crap, I have some huge worries, but come on, sometimes you just have to give it over to the universe and let yourself sweat the small stuff. But seriously, about those big worries: what am I going to do about…

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Take 20, Get 2

Posted on January 26, 2007

My photo taking sucktitude knows no bounds. I thought when I reviewed the photos tonight that surely there would be enough to post a series of Briar and Avery shots. How wrong I was. I’ve got two folks, and I was tempted to post the bad ones because they seemed to have more merit somehow. I shall try again tomorrow, for now, here’re your two.

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