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Not just adults, parents.

Posted on September 21, 2007

I have a confession to make, I have been bit of an ostrich, not like a, “What do you mean George W. Bush sent us into a war that was pure folly? He’s protecting our country.” ostrich, more like a, “You mean the OJ thing is a set-up?” kind of ostrich. Yeah, I know, both are pretty thick, but I feel like I can talk to you on that level. Sean and I have never broached the issue of life insurance. I think, and again, I realize that this won’t paint me in the kindest light, but I think we’ve both been to afraid to face the issue of mortality, particluarly as we’ve grown our own family and come to realize that we are…

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A Curious Milestone

Posted on September 21, 2007

And by curious, I suppose I really mean maddening. Briar has decided that she would like to stay at the sitter’s. All day. As a matter of fact today she let me know that she needs to stay there, “for the nighttime too,” it was either that or she sucker punched me with a fist formed from shards of glass. I am taking it day-by-day, chuckling and rolling my eyes, but the truth, the honest, I-don’t-floss-and-sometimes-I-skip-to-the-last-page-of-the-book truth is, it is killing me. I am not ashamed to say I want to be her favorite for all time. It’s like a first crush all over again. Sigh.

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