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Book it!

Posted on March 31, 2008

A book meme. I am trying to get back into reading which has been hampered by two things – no time and excruciating lower back pain in bed. The delicious Hotfessional tagged me for a book meme. This is after more bloggers than I can count joined Goodreads and tried to get me to join in their reindeer games. Update after update came in, “So and so has added new books,” and “So and so wants to share her current reading list (of 57+ books).” The inadequacy was suffocating. The Hotfessional told me not to worry, just have fun. So, here goes. 1. List three books you’ve always meant to read, but haven’t got around to themHow to choose, how to choose? How about…

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Forbidden Emotions

Posted on March 30, 2008

I had a moment this morning when I felt a twinge of something that shocked me. I think it’s ok, think it’s normal, but its sudden ferocity and piercing intensity stunned me. Briar and Avery had been playing together all morning. There was no of the usual scrapping over toys or boxing out of the preferred seat. It was just two sisters playing, taking turns leading and following and each doing so with a twinkle and a smile. It was a few moments into the disruption caused by the announcement of nap time. Avery had been railing up in her room, incensed that the fun had to end. Briar was downstairs with me, pacing, torn between helping her sister and escaping a nap herself.…

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You ever hear the one that goes , "Noooooooooooooo. No no no no no no!"?

Posted on March 30, 2008

We had a glorious morning, Dad entertaining the girls and eliciting the peals of laughter that make the walls wend inward ever so slightly as if to take the joy in to the very marrow of the house, Mom slept in, the sounds from below caressing her, and then later, the living room drenched in mid-morning sun reflected off the still impressive snow banks, we frolicked. Laughter, conversation and overriding parental pride. It was a perfect Sunday morning. Enter nap time. Dancing eyes quickly became murderous glares. Giggles and whispers became screeches and screams. Feet stomping, lungs pumping and indignation swirling, Avery refused to sleep. Briar served as line judge, declaring the latest protest and act of nap time rebellion with a a voice…

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Procrastinating No Longer

Posted on March 30, 2008

Today was a day of little triumphs interspersed with little tantrums. I am proud and ashamed to claim I was involved in both. We’ve been trying to get the “nursery” ready. I use nursery loosely as it is not a tricked out baby room with a cohesive theme and all the little must-haves. Though it isn’t a traditional looking nursery, it is lovely. The walls are deep yet mellow green, echoing the color of the leaves that flutter outside the window from May to October. One wall is set at an angle and meets up with a gabled wall, the effect, to me, is the sensation of being in a magical tree house. There has been a full size bed in the room that…

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Sympathy Incontinence

Posted on March 28, 2008

Briar is a classic first-born, desperate to keep everyone happy. Lately she has been very focused on my belly, asking about the baby and delighting in the movements she witnesses. She has also taken to asking if my belly hurts or if my back is “achin.” It’s pretty sweet and I encourage her participation. I am, however, a little concerned at how two days running she has turned to me and said, “Mom, I have to pee,” and quickly following it with, “Oh, oh, oh my goodness, mama, I am peeing right now!” Puddles, tears and mild hysteria…just like me most days at work as I weigh how badly I need to pee against the spiral metal staircase standing between me and the bathroom.

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