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Posted on September 15, 2008

I don’t dish politics here, except when I do. I won’t beat around the-better-than-Bush. I am voting for Barack Obama. Obama Mama.Bleeding heart.Sucker. Whatever. I really don’t care what I am called or what anyone else believes, so shoot away with the negative comments, or drop my blog from your reader. I am voting for Barack Obama and Joe Biden.Sarah Palin as President is not an eventuality I am willing to be responsible for creating.

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Wheel. Of. Fortune.

Posted on September 12, 2008

Sitting in the Vegas airport waiting for our 1:35 flight home by way of Chicago. There are people playing the slots, the Wheel of Fortune slots. Oh, the misery. Fin is entertaining us with kicks and gurgles and, so help me, little bleats that sound decidedly like, Mama!” Could it be? We’ll see, odds are we’ll walk in the house and she’ll say declaratively, “Dada,” for now though, I am hearing “mama” and I love it. Home soon.

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Me & Me to keep me warm

Posted on September 11, 2008

AKA Two memes for a lonely night away from home. So, with no further dwelling on being homesick, meme #1 from the sweet Dany. It’s what she called the “ten-stupidly-random-facts-that-still-turn-out-quirky-and-funny meme.” 1. Most of my tears come from my right eye. Honestly, in the car, riding shotgun, I can cry without anyone knowing. A skill I picked up in a dark time of my life when I always rode in the passenger seat, literally and figuratively. 2. Yesterday I discovered that the “1” button on my cell phone is what can make the period and comma symbols for me when texting. Seriously, yesterday. 3. I am very modest. Like turn and cower or wait for a bathroom stall to change at the YMCA kind-of-modest.…

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Will you cuddle with me?

Posted on September 11, 2008

I am sitting in an incredibly comfortable chair, there isn’t a sound save the odd sigh from Fin as she sleeps in the bed behind me and the occasional whiz of a passing truck on the street below. I am showered with freshly shaved legs, I have a stack of magazines I could be reading. The laptop is here, fully charged and ready to go. There is no dinner to make, no laundry to wash or fold or even put away. No dishes. No toys. No shedding dog, no ringing phone. My to-do-list was so very short I finally used the Biore strip that’s been kicking around for six months. I can watch anything I want at whatever volume I want, I can eat…

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It’s the blue that gets me

Posted on September 10, 2008

I never noticed eye color before Sean. Never. Friends would ask about a guy’s eye color and i honestly wouldn’t be able to answer. Now I can. Blue. True blue. They are the eyes of my daughters and the eyes of my best friend, a pale blue, cool and inviting. Steady, loving, my favorite kind of blue. He sent me an email tonight recounting the night’s events. I told them a bedtime story about how Mama and Fin had been captured and were made to work in a cavern. “Were they pirates?” Briar wondered. “Pirates?” Ave repeated, eyebrows up. This is getting good, said the eyebrows. I went with it. “Yes, Mama and Fin were in the cavern with Pirates, and their job was…

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