I’ve been moving at fast-forward like speed for years. Every once in a while I see comments from people who look like they are never ruffled, and realize that we are all white-knuckling it at certain moments. Tonight we decided to take a hike for the post-work/pre-bed time hours that the girls were with Nana and Jeannie.

We hustled home around 6 and shucked our work clothes for hiking gear. Little Beso, our cocker spaniel tagged along. Ok, actually he lead the way, bolting up the mountain and turning occasionally to look back at us and snicker. We’d been hiking about 30 minutes when we came upon a ledge that gave me pause. The slowing of our pace, the softening of my hard edges and the realization of how very small my world really is was driven home on that ledge.

My mouth literally hung open as a combination of silence and soothing sounds came together to remind me that there are natural rhythms to keep us whole. We need to work, we need to press and quest, but there is also a need for and value in, heeding a less relentless melody.

I filmed it. No fancy editing or music added, just the view we had and the sounds we heard. All gifts. Find your ledge and realize that it isn’t for jumping, it’s for resting.

Watch/experience 23 seconds of peace