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It takes so little.

Posted on February 23, 2007

You could sew my mouth shut and give me a script and I’d still find a way to stick my foot in it. After a rather controlled and planned outburst the other day, giving voice to a rant I’d heard many times at home, but that my husband was avoiding in public, we happened to run into the recipient of said rant. He put his arm on mine right there in the beer and nuts aisle and thanked me for being direct. Me: No problem. Him: really appreciate it. Me: Well, I felt like it needed to be said. Him: Absolutely it did. You don’t disappoint. Me: Yeah, when it comes to using my mouth I never disappoint. I took Briar’s hand and excused…

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Sleeping Beauties

Posted on February 23, 2007

It never ends. I am still checking on the girls every night. I’m sure my mom is chuckling now, silently mouthing to the screen, “I still check on you.” Nights when Sean is working late I slip through the squeakiest door in our house to sneak upstairs. We usually leave the bathroom fan running to mask the sound of the tv downstairs, or the whistle of the tea kettle. It doesn’t work, but it makes us feel better – that and the fan was the single hardest thing to install in this godforsaken, nightmare, money pit of an ancient house charming city home, so it feels good to use it. The poor thing will probably let fly a death sputter shortly for the overuse…

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2 aches for the price of 1

Posted on February 21, 2007

Today as I was walking out the door from dropping the girls at the sitter, I turned to give Avery one more smile and “I love you.” I do this more for me than for her, or maybe I do it more for her, but I end up getting more from it. Is that the same thing? She was in Jen’s arms. Her pony tail was cock eyed and one sock was already misshapen and destined for a dark corner as she has pulled it off her foot and gummed it a dozen times before we even left the house. She shimmied up Jen’s torso to see me better. I waved and mouthed “I love you.” She smiled, her eyes beating her mouth as…

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Was that goodbye?

Posted on February 21, 2007

Today she waved to me. I had one hand on the door and was ready to turn to leave. Briar was ensconced in the morning ritual of riling everyone up by running around her sitter’s coffee table. “Briar, please don’t run around Jen’s coffee table. Mason, please quit chasing Briar. Sophie, no running.” Jen said in her ever calm voice. Each day the three of them seem to take more delight in this odd little dance. I smile because I like the idea of running in circles and being happy with that. Seems like dogs should wag tails, cats should purr and kids should run in circles squealing. Avery was in Jen’s arms. She looked happy, I smiled at Briar and said completely for…

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No Shit?!

Posted on February 20, 2007

Well color me shocked… Sexualized images in media may harm girls, young women. The article, if you choose not go read it, mentions Bratz Dolls: The popular Bratz dolls, the study noted, depict “girls marketed in bikinis, sitting in a hot tub, mixing drinks, and standing around, while the ‘Boyz’ play guitar and stand with their surf boards,” it said. The dolls come dressed in miniskirts, fishnet stockings, and feather boas. Since first seeing the dolls I have been mystified, but then, they are sold in the same stores that sell little peek a boo bikinis for 3-6 month olds. What the hell? I used to be critical of 7 year olds in high heels, but now I see that you have to work…

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