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Real Moms

Posted on March 21, 2007

Ok, so I have seen blogger after blogger do it, and now, here I am. Doing it. In hushed tones of reverence and shameless delight I am exceedingly tickled to share that Ginga Joy, she of the ravishing profile shot, has drawn her mighty blogger arrow and pointed it at me. Sipping my fourth coffee of the morning and trying not to introduce more profanity to my toddler’s vocabulary, I proudly take the challenge she shot my way: Part of the Real Mothers meme spawned by the evil Kristen at The Mom Trap–see the rules here and then break them, like me.(Put up a post “Real Moms [insert what you do here]”, followed by an explanation (feel free to use more sentences than just…

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The Butterfly

Posted on March 15, 2007

Tomorrow we fly to California for a memorial service. Dreading this trip and being sick have kept me from writing. What is there to say but that I feel as if my heart will never again be whole? How many ways can I say that he was special? Am I the first person to lose someone? Indulge me in just sharing a few words frommy grandfather, they demonstrate his wisdom, candor and impishness. An excerpt: RESURRECTION NOW Easter Sermon preached in Smith College Chapel 19 April 1981 by Davie Napier I have a granddadughter in second grade named Amanda who recently wrote an essay entitled, THE BUTTERFLY. It runs all of a hundred words, and I think you will agree that it is an…

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Real Moms…

Posted on March 14, 2007

Sarah at In The Trenches of Motherhood tagged me a for a Real Mom meme. These are the rules: Put up a post “Real Moms [insert what you do here]”, followed by an explanation, a picture, and a “Real Moms. Making ….”. My first meme. Oh Sally Field exclamation, oh my. You like me, you really like me. So, I am following through with the meme like a real mom despite a wicked cold and an overwhelming desire to curl up in the fetal postion and suck a damp rag. Normally I’m not shy to say what I think and this meme is a pretty perfect opportunity to lobby for organic foods, reading to your kids and doing the right thing. Yet I find…

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I give.

Posted on March 13, 2007

Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Fussy and impossible to please. Cowlicks fighting valiant attempts at taming from the brush. Spilled coffee on the floor. Pulverized crumbs into the floor on top of the earlier spill. Upended and opened a poopy diaper. Got into a fight with her shirt untucking it and then batting at it. Had a really grumpy and combative attitude. Dissolved into tears 3 or 4 times. But enough about mom… Anyone else feel like moving to Australia? Guess even that is out for me because with my paralyzing fear of flight the damn trip would reduce me to wrapping my arms around myself, rocking to and fro while moaning unintelligible pleas that I not…

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