Love on New Year's Eve - Amanda Magee
Apologies in advance to my dear, sweet Red Sox lovin’ pal in the trenches, but I fear Briar found love this New Year’s Eve. (Sarah, he’s a Mets fan…not quite Red Sox, but it ain’t the Yankees) Dark silky hair, Hershey’s Kisses eyes and a smile that could soften even the hardest of hearts, Carter has our Princess Briar swooning in her tights. It’s ten past one and she is still talking about him. It’s frightening, but also kind of wonderful to see her starry eyed, cheeks flushed and what can only be described as twinkly. (Special note to Crystal: Look closely and you’ll see a Flashdance-meets-Mad-Max-Beyond-the-Thunderdome-flourish upon her Disney Princess nightgown.) Here’s wishing you a twinkly new year filled with the kind of…