Outfit options for Blogher '08 - Amanda Magee
Ave and Briar have been helping me figure out what the fiddleybop to wear at Blogher. I mean it’s San Francisco, people are so chic there, ok, people anywhere are chic compared to what you find in the Adirondacks (Apologies to Raeanne, Amy and Trina, ya’ll are super chic!) Now my cheeks are flaming because my god, who says, “Chic?” Anyway, back to the conference. It’ll be a mere 2.5 months since I had Finley. Let’s be honest, even the most confident of us are struggling a bit at 10 weeks postpartum, the impatience with things going back into place (Shut up! They will too go back into place!) And, while this isn’t prom, you also kind of want to look your best when,…