Sean said he wanted a blog entry over at Trampoline about what coffee we all drink, or, more importantly, where do we get it and why.
He sent out an email to everyone in the office:

Blog post idea: (Designtramp)

We all drink different coffee.

Make the case for yours: what are the reasons you make your purchase decisions for this one thing? Tradition? Convenience? Cost? Quality?

One paragraph. Today, if you can squeeze it in.

Derek: Lox of Bagels

Amy: The Chocolate Mill

Jake: Stewarts

Sean: Rock Hill

Amanda: Starbucks

Trina: Tea? Uncommon Grounds?

Paula: Diet Coke.

After he sent it the responses started coming in little, caffeinated dings. I loved it for how it asked something from us that was purely rooted in what we like. Not how can we make this better? Or if this were happening what would you do? The post went live just as we started a lunch celebrating Amy‘s birthday. We were all gathered around the table just talking about family, movies and laughing over 80s references.

It was a great day when work felt kind of like family. We’ve worked hard over the last 6 months and just being together was a treat. Kind of like that first cup of coffee in the morning.

If you’d like, you can get a glimpse of our coffee (and not coffee) preferences over here. You can tell me your right here in the comments. I’ll be honest that it felt weird not being the person hammering home the buy local idea.