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Posted on January 9, 2014

There were papers strewn about the table, the aftermath of our after school “Mom, look at this” dance. By now Avery is skiing with Sean and Finley is suited up in pjs watching a show; her homework long since done. “Ok, B, what’ve we got left,” I ask her. “Well, I have two math sheets and spelling. Oh, and a little reading.” My shoulders slump a little. Math. I struggle to keep my own insecurity and frustration at bay, on top of simply trying to understand the mechanics of it all. Somehow, though not without tears, we finish the two sheets. Then it’s on to spelling. Briar sits hunched over the table, her legs impossibly braided together in a flat tangle. Her glasses slide…

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Unspoken Goals

Posted on January 5, 2014

Years ago I told Sean that I wanted to go to a conference. He told me to buy a ticket and book a flight. “I can’t,” I said forlornly. “Why?” he asked. “Because it’s happening right now in Chicago.” He looked wounded. “Why didn’t you tell me before now?” I shrugged. “I don’t know, I guess I didn’t realize how much I wanted to be there.” I’ve never not shared with Sean what I wanted or aspired to since that moment. Tonight I have my first post up at Scary Mommy. It’s something I’ve had my heart set on for a while, but had never done anything about until a few days ago. Sean’s support and Allison’s guidance helped make it happen. Speak your…

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