Posts tagged “acceptance

How I am

Posted on October 18, 2012

We’re all bundles of complexity, right? You love scary movies but you won’t go on roller coasters. You are a vegetarian but you wear leather. You buy local, but you shop at Wal Mart. You consider yourself a person of faith, but you don’t attend church. You are pro-choice, but would never have an abortion. Yeah, sh*t just got real, right? Here’s the thing, there has been a whole lot of finger pointing and belief slamming on both sides of the political fence. I think that some of my debate-tirades on twitter have probably falling squarely into the “not-very-open-minded” category. I get that we all get fired up. We can and we should cultivate opinion, because we have the freedom to do so. Other…

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Give and Take

Posted on April 12, 2012

This week is spring break and I am not home. Each morning one or both of us have dropped the girls off at Nana and Jeannie’s. It’s a luxury. It’s also a sacrifice. I find myself feeling like a sham at work and at home as I take this week that so many parents are spending with their kids, and I work. We started this business when my belly was just beginning to grow with Briar inside of me. Our family grew along with our business. I have spent late nights, endless weekends and white-knuckle days building this business, and then a second. I have also spent afternoons I might otherwise have missed, playing with my girls and enjoying swaths of sunlight. Even as I…

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Believing is believing

Posted on April 3, 2012

We were on a road trip this weekend and I felt a cloak of dissatisfaction in myself coming over me. I am always susceptible to it when I am away from home. I resent not having all my things and my hair always seems to frizz and I forget a certain bra or I sit in something and I am one pair of jeans shy of what I need. Nothing earth shattering, but isn’t it always those little ticky-tack things that bring you to your knees? I was beginning to feel short tempered and hopeless. My pants were covered in dog hair and travel funk, my hair was wild from 2 days of disregard and my face was unaided by cover up or mascara. My…

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Posted on October 28, 2011

I have no regrets about our summer, looking back I can replay so many shimmering memories of swimming with the girls, hunting for sticks to ‘marsh the mallows‘, and diving beneath the sparkling lake water to scour the shallow shores for driftwood. Each day has a soundtrack that makes me proud as the echoes play of having arrived at milestones hand-in-hand: swimming without life jackets, jumping off the back of the boat into bottomless bays and speeding down the treefort slide. I’ll admit that each autumn brings a pang of sorrow as I put away frocks that have run out of sisters to share them, wee little bits of memory-charged fabric go to a donate pile or a reverence heap. This year though, this…

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