Posts tagged “body

The Weight is Over

Posted on December 21, 2013

She was sitting in the tub, a fever threatening and a belly full of upset. She’d been trying to get comfortable for an hour; multiple trips to the bathroom to vomit proving unproductive. At one point I even told her how to help herself throw up. It terrified me, like handing a match to a child. She looked horrified, so I’d suggested the bath. We were quiet, nothing but the soft sound of the bubbles settling, until she spoke. “Mom, do you remember the girl I went to preschool with who goes to my school now?” “Did she have long, brown hair? Her mom works at the school?” She looked uncertain. “She was bigger than some of the other kids, right?” She nodded, “Yeah,…

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Image Matters

Posted on July 10, 2013

This morning I saw a link from Tracy, about hideous attacks made online toward a female athlete. It is at once hard for me to believe and completely predictable. We seem to have created an appetite in our culture for one-upping, sometimes it’s in terms of danger, but other times it’s really just about cruelty. How outrageous can an insult be? How severely can a person be drawn and quartered for their looks, sexual orientation, political views, or just their personality? I could link to an example for each, but at some point you have to stop feeding the embers. This afternoon I received an email from the Huffington Post letting me know that they were going to run my post about struggling with a lifetime…

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The Secrets of My Athletes

Posted on June 5, 2013

I watched Finley fish the mail out of the mail box. Her face shone with triumph as she leaned her body out of the car window and strained for the mailbox. She shimmied this way and that, until she finally drew back into the car with a grunt and exclaimed, “There.” She surveyed the stack and then passed her hand between my seat and the window to deliver the mail. My stomach dropped and my jaw clenched. Serendipity had just passed a [potent message by way of my youngest and, perhaps most impressionable daughter. Two catalogs side by side, between them they represented the things that taunted and tempted me as I grew up, and the things that most frighten me about raising three daughters.…

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