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When I close me eyes

Posted on June 18, 2007

I can imagine they are still here. The visit comes back in a rush of emotions – transient traces of their presence waft unexpectedly by – the familiar scent of mom’s lotion, a flash of Abbie’s long fingers upon the refrigerator door, soft whispers behind a closed door, and the fuzzy glow that seemed to come over a room whenever Briar was near Abbie. As I type this, I look through our door on to Grandpa’s porch. Just beyond the steps he took as he embarked each day on a walk around the house, sits a sweet little bush. Its variegated leaves are the color of lemon sorbet and chalkboard, and they dance in the breeze, drawing my eye again and again. My mom…

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Posted on June 17, 2007

Every day I write about our life – our love, our girls.I share without fear and often without censor. Today I falter.In a thousand posts I could never begin to tell the story of dad. This little window could never be large enough for you. Enchanted woods, talking squirrels and brave young princesses.Strumming on an old guitar, reciting Frost, explaining Santa.Swing dancing in the kitchen, slow dancing by the fire.Holding hands and steering boats. Blowing bubbles and skipping stones. You are magic, my spark and my hope. You are dad and you are perfect. Happy Father’s Day.

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Would curmudgeonly be too strong a word?

Posted on June 15, 2007

We interrupt the usual tales of ruffle bottom bathing suit clad little girls prancing through sprinklers and tender moonlit post-bedtime story moments to make a requested correction. I have this friend who has become very dear to our family. He delights the girls He has supported Sean in his work. He counsels me. He also pushes me. Lately I have taken to pushing back, which I think to him signals the true arrival to that elusive place where friendship lives, like Elvis up on the hill in his shady spot. Comfortable, safe, and with the freedom to do as we please. “Put up some pictures. You gotta have impact. They want to know you.” He argued. “We did. There are pictures up top. We…

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