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Pop Goes the Belly

Posted on October 8, 2007

I am e-x-p-l-o-d-i-n-g. Seriously. I feel as if when I am sitting, the growth of my stomach is on par with one of those accelerated images of a flower growing that we used to have to watch in science class. And, hard to believe since it’s only been about 16 months since I had Avery, but I’d forgotten the “gut checks” everyone does. Eying the belly before they even make eye contact with me, to gauge how much I’ve grown. I suppose this means I’ll quickly pass the-fat-chick-at-the-bar stage and go directly to, “Oh dear god when are you due?” “April.” “Really? But you are so big.” Awkward silence. “Not to say you don’t look great…” followed by a pained look down at my…

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Come Rain or Come Shine

Posted on October 8, 2007

This morning started early, like, dark early. Briar woke with a start, an accident in her bed. I forgot to wake her in the night. “Change my gown, change my gown.” Howl, sob “Mommy, can you fix my bed fresh so there’s no more pee?” I tapped Sean to let him know what was happening and ran to her. By the time I reached her she was alternately whimpering and wailing, her distress waking Avery. “Maaaama. Maw-muhh, Bwi-uh cryning, cuh-rye-ning! Bwi-uh, fis’it, mama.” Sean was up and had Avery in his arms before I scooped Briar up and rushed her to the bathroom to finish peeing. We worked quickly and tenderly, soothing the girls while we changed sheets and dug out new pajamas. Soon…

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Eating Crow, kind of.

Posted on October 7, 2007

I have been fairly candid about my disillusionment about the friendliness of neighbors. It has been humbling because I thought that after the 5th grade gang-ups I’d shed myself of the burden of caring about fitting in, but I was wrong. Aching to belong lingers, no matter your age or place in life. Being the kind of person that uses humor to get past these things, I’ve often made light of our situation with our neighbors. The truth is that we live in a lovely neighborhood. We have the best elementary school in the district a stone’s throw from our house, we walk to the Farmer’s Market every Saturday morning, we have three grocery stores to choose from, each within 2 miles of our house,…

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Soul Sandwich

Posted on October 7, 2007

I’ve been quiet these past few days, a combination of pregnancy induced fatigue and family inspired bliss. My mom and sister are visiting and accomplishing day after day of dizzying, thrill-them-like-it’s-Christmas-morning memory making with the girls. I’ve tried to ease back and simply take it in, but it’s been hard not to get down into the thick of it. Just shy of a week here, and I am only just now really relaxing, but I wouldn’t change a minute of it. Between my mom and sister, and the memories they bring of my childhood as half of a sister duo, and my own family of Sean and the girls, I feel as if golden threads are being woven in my soul, healing old wounds…

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All the kids are doin’ it

Posted on October 3, 2007

I’m caving. So many blogs, so many delurk buttons. Help me out. Today is the day that we bloggers ask you readers (and a lot of you bloggers as well) to fess up to reading us. I know, I know, the shame, on par with reading the faded newsprint tabloid at the checkout that always boasts the latest martian and uptown girl love child, but do it. I promise you won’t have that slimy feeling when you’re done. Leave me a comment, let me know you are here and reading this blog. Tell me you agree that Jeannie Velasco and Rachel Ray make you want to grab a rasp from the garage and shave your ears from your very head. Or, tell me that…

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