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Can you pass me those?

Posted on January 10, 2008

We were sitting in the living room watching tv the other night. I had three hampers full of clean clothes and was determined to get them folded before morning. Halfway through the first hamper Sean absentmindedly started picking items out and folding them. I dared not breath, so grateful for the help. We sat folding in companionable silence, the stacks on the ottoman growing satisfyingly taller. After a few minutes Sean began to smile. I paused, watching him. His while face lit up and his eyes danced. I found myself smiling back. Finally I said, “What is it? Why are you laughing?” excited to get in on the fun. He smiled for another moment, the laughter barely contained, as he folded a pair of…

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Seasonal Confusion

Posted on January 7, 2008

Poor Briar. We told her after her second Christmas, the first having been celebrated on the West Coast, that Santa was back at the North Pole resting. Since then we have seen no less than, oh, I don’t know 320 plastic, stone and inflated Santas displayed prominently throughout town. Briar: Oooh, there’s Santa. Briar: Oh, oh, there he is again. Briar: Mama, he’s not sleeping, but he’s busy. He’s here too! Avery is rather unimpressed by the whole thing. The other day we were in the car driving to Melissa’s house and the following exchange took place: Briar: Ooh, lookey-dat! Mama, do you think that was Rudolph what I just saw in that yard? Me: I don’t know. Maybe. Briar: Avery, do you think…

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Hanging by a thread

Posted on January 6, 2008

The longer Sean and I are together, the truer the stereotypes get. Rather than going into all the ugly details (nagging, belching, shoes, the history channel) I’ll focus on one specific thing: home improvement projects. Clearly we are gluttons for home owner headaches masochists and worse. When we are at our busiest or most physically limited we chew off huge projects. This past weekend we decided to address our closets. Seemed easy enough. Isn’t that always the way…You can do it, Home Depot can help…Lowe’s, let’s build something together. Yes, let’s. We assembled the tools and supplies we would need for hanging dowel, drawers and hooks. Of course before we did this we had to wade through three and a half years of hamper-stored…

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