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Bench Seats and Marriage

Posted on November 21, 2014

I was driving into work, the defroster melting the last bits of frost from the windshield, and the sun shining from the east as if to further the process along. I rode in silence, the air so cold my eyes watered. My mind was blank, deliciously so. I watched the blur through the window, happy to be awake. Quietly I began to think about setting an intention for the day. I felt sheepish, what good could setting an intention do anyway. I make lists all the time, the writing of the items doesn’t make them get done any quicker, if anything it just feels as if it puts my failure to finish in bold. An intention, Amanda. What is my intention? I licked my lips and…

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Hopscotch across the keyboard, heal the hurt.

Posted on November 20, 2014

Books. I love them and the different roles they’ve played in my life. Even writing these words I’m recalling the spines of books I stared at as a child; the one with dark green fabric and frayed edges, the thick brown book with the deep emboss, and the navy with gold, raised letters. I would cradle them like baby dolls as I rearranged the long shelves of books before I was even ready for the words between the covers. I simply wanted to be near them, knowing at some primal level that they were thick with treasure. I remember story books, the anticipation as I waited for mom to get to the next the page. Her fingers as familiar as my own, the sound of her licking a fingertip to…

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The Mother of Mom-Themed Links Post

Posted on November 19, 2014

The edges fray as the end of day approaches and I know that there are songs yet to be sung, library books still to be found, and lunches to conjure from wilted arugula and past-prime lunch meat. Staggering to a finish line, but wait, marriage, intimacy, cat litter, laundry, online bill pay, and the thought that maybe the toilet is in fact leaking. Oh, and NaBloPoMo, a commitment that I made. Truthfully it is only to myself, there is no contract, nor agreement, and yet, the reward of finishing it each night is sweet. I just have to slog through a lot of I’m-all-used-up-my-ideas-are-completely-gone. Vikki from Up Popped a Fox made me feel much less alone the other day as I laughed through a relatable…

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Outtakes that Stole My Heart

Posted on November 18, 2014

About a week ago, maybe a little longer, we did a photo shoot for work. The photographer, Rachael, caught me talking with the girls and chirped, “Ok, stop. Let’s just get a couple.” Then she called Sean over, “C’mon, this’ll be your family Christmas card.” We laughed at the time, looking at them now I am so very grateful. Self-care, family photos, just stopping to laugh, it doesn’t always happen. Thanks to Trampoline and Rachael, it did. We did. Going to let the smiles and poker faces speak for themselves.  

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A Giveaway & A Takeaway About Caring For Yourself

Posted on November 17, 2014

Hopefully you read the post I wrote the other day about getting past the awkwardness of focusing on taking care of yourself. If you are a blogger and interested in focusing on that part of your life more, this post may prove to be your lucky day as I am giving away a pass to BlogHer PRO ’14. Dani Shapiro, as she talked about how to prepare yourself for the outcomes you want to achieve on a daily basis, “It takes so little to start your day out right. We rarely do it, but we can. Little things.” For her it’s drinking her cappuccino without checking her email. A moment of reflection before the pursuit of the endless life threads that no amount of…

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